Moving the Rochester Office, 29 April & 03 May 2000...

OK, let's access the damage by the Movers to the new space

Rip out that old carpet

12 years of traffic, didn't they ever think to clean the rugs?

Is that Improv furniture?

More Improv furniture... where's the guys?

Not in here (this is to be Jeff's office)

Wait a minute, who's been using my camera?
(my daughter Jennifer and her friend Siobhan - Jen's on the right)

Stuzy (Dave Kostusiak) the co-op at his finest hour: assembling furniture

Is this a union job? Rick and Lloyd supervise Stuzy

Are the phones and network working yet?

Gzim and Carl, back at it!

There's Jeff!

And John Gostomski

Ted writes up Dave for a moving violation...

The Rochester floor plan.